With limited stockpiles of diesel and petrol on our shores and the threat of major disruptions to the worldwide supply of crude oil, Australia needs a backup plan to assure independent access to energy supplies now and in the future.

The time is right for Australia to ramp up its Hydrogen mission, but if we wait too long we run the risk of missing out on what some forecast as being a $16 Trillion pie.

Green Hydrogen HSA

When Australia’s own Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest’s Fortescue Future Industries calculates global Green Hydrogen revenue at up to AUD$16 trillion by 2050, you sit up and take notice.

Now is the time for Australia to ramp up our hydrogen projects to ensure a slice of this pie. And if we are not careful, we will be left behind with others reaping the benefits of the inevitable: the replacement of fossil fuels with renewables on a global scale.

The benefits for our country are immense, impacting every individual Australian, from communities, government, export, industry and everything in between.

Here are the 7 reasons why Green Hydrogen is beneficial for Australia and, ultimately, the planet:

“The benefits for our country are immense, impacting every individual Australian, from communities, government, export, industry and everything in between.”

No.1 The Environment.

The impact to the environment from fuel – oil spills and incidental leaks – is immeasurable.

Corrosion, ageing infrastructure, spills, leaks, and seepage can spell catastrophe for Australia and the planet’s most delicate ecosystems, damaging plant-life, killing wildlife, poisoning water sources, impacting wildlife breeding and causing a raft of serious health issues to humans including respiratory illnesses, decreased immunity and an increased risk of cancer.

And although the incidence of tanker oil spills is reducing over time, fuel slicks and smoke continue to poison our oceans and waterways.

Now, imagine vessels big and small, gliding silently through oceans, rivers, lakes and canals. Vessels powered by hydrogen – the fuel of the future – emission reduced, smoke-free, clean and green.

Continue to imagine pristine islands, sacred First Nations land and remote communities not relying on dangerous diesel for their power requirements.

Hydrogen is light; lighter than air, in fact. Any spills dissipate immediately into the air, not into the surrounding environment. Safety of hydrogen can be found here: Myth-busting the safety issue with hydrogen.

No.2 Export.

Coal is Australia’s second most profitable export commodity, bringing in almost AUD$40billion in 2021.

Current estimates have hydrogen exports valued at AUD$50billion by 2050 – earlier if we can get our act together and support innovation! Coal is dirty, its infrastructure is ageing, and it’s becoming obsolete.

The time to pivot to planning for hydrogen export is now. Upskilling for an experienced, gold standard workforce is now. Establishing structures and standards for safe handling, storage, compliance and transport needs to be determined now.

Let’s be a leader, not a follower.

No.3 Energy Security.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) defines Energy Security as “the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price”.

With limited stockpiles of diesel and petrol on our shores and the threat of major disruptions to the worldwide supply of crude oil, Australia needs a backup plan to assure independent access to energy supplies now and in the future.

I wrote a more detailed blog on this very topic in 2021; Renewables taking care of Energy Security, but in a nutshell, to ensure grid stability and reduce blackouts and brownouts, we need an urgent upgrade to our infrastructure and a focus towards renewable and green energy such as Hydrogen created in Australia to reduce our reliance on external resources.

No.4 Energy Indepence.

How does this differ from Energy Security, you ask?

Energy Independence is Energy Security at a Grass-Roots level. This is where communities, homes, regions, islands and mobs can take their energy needs into their own hands and become self-reliant.

No price gauging, no anti-competitive behaviour, just a group of like-minded individuals wanting to create their own energy using renewables and distribute it equitably, whilst caring for the environment.

Systems can be used in The Kimberley Region, on Islands in the Great Barrier Reef, on rural homesteads in the middle of some of our harshest countryside, in Alpine regions and in rainforests. All with minimal impact to the surrounding area.

With Green Hydrogen, this type of energy ownership is no longer a pipe dream, it is possible.

No.5 Generational Impact.

It’s not just dollars, cents, kWh, environmental factors and statistics that one needs to take into consideration when implementing change with hydrogen as an energy source.

It’s more than that. It’s looking beyond, to the heart and soul of change that impacts generations to come.

We know that some of the impact of climate change on our planet is irreversible. Some of the impact can be halted and some can even be reversed.

It is the change we make NOW that benefits this generation, our children, our grandchildren and our grandchildren’s grandchildren.

We owe it to those generations to do what we can to reverse our current trends and set in motion positive environmental change.

The conversion of energy from fossil fuels to hydrogen is one of a multitude of positive, impactful changes that we can make for those future generations.

You don’t have to go big to make a difference either – here are some small, start-at-home ideas that you can implement in your daily life that collectively, can have a positive effect on our planet.

No.6 Teamwork.

Aussies are known for being team players. Just look at our champion sports teams!

That same focus and friendly, competitive spirit can also be applied to advances in Hydrogen technologies – we don’t want to lose by a single point as the final siren sounds.

Hydrogen still has some challenges: cost-effectiveness, transportation, storage and safety are all barriers that we are slowly overcoming.

So, let’s put the best minds together in the same room to share knowledge and expedite these solutions.

Hydrogen Hubs are great, but we don’t need to be reliant on government support to make this jump; private industry should be further encouraged to collaborate.

Take supply chains, for example. Economies of scale can be significantly improved if entities work together to negotiate larger discounts for collective purchasing arrangements.

Sure, it’s not THAT simple, but initiatives such as this can be a step in the right direction.

No.7 Manufacturing and skills.

News earlier this year of the early closure of Australia’s largest coal-fired power station, 7 years earlier than expected, was met with mixed reactions.

Some were pleased with the news, indicating the push towards renewables has taken another, much needed and positive step forward.

Others were concerned about the economic impact, particularly when it comes to job losses.

With a soon-to-be availability of highly skilled workers from the coal-fired industry who come with a significant history of working in the energy sector, one may suggest that pivoting those skills to hydrogen and renewable industries would be an easier task than recruiting and training an entirely new workforce to be employed within these sectors.

Of course, having training and education programs centred around hydrogen will also be essential and planning for that is already underway with working and industry groups contributing to the development of standards pertaining to the creation, use, transportation and storage of hydrogen in Australia.

And let’s not forget manufacturing. By promoting the development of hydrogen technology and subsequent manufacture of that technology here in Australia, we can keep and retain jobs, benefitting our economy and exports.

Australia, it is time for us to take action now to get a slice of that AUD$16 trillion dollar pie. We have the resources, we have the minds, we have the drive, and we can see the potential. What are we waiting for?


Hydrogen Systems Australia is an Australian company engaged in selling, commissioning, installing, maintaining and servicing of hydrogen production and hydrogen utilisation equipment.

Our expertise lies in system integration with over 40 years of experience in the hydrogen industry and over 200 years of experience in complimentary industries including innovation, project management, engineering, nanotechnology and governance.

We are future focussed with significant in-roads already being made into our new technologies that future proof our organisation and initiate generational change.

Our systems offer revenue streams and for rural and remote communities, energy that doesn’t rely on diesel. These projects will support local economies and manufacturing sectors, contribute to Australia’s energy security and reduce our carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels.

Investment in Hydrogen Systems Australia will be strategically placed into several key areas of our business to assist with the growth and development of the organisation.

Funding will be used to source the best talent, contribute towards Research and Development and future manufacturing and most importantly, will fund an Australian-owned, values focused organisation that promotes ethical and sustainable profitability to create a healthier world for generations to come.


Renee Golland

About Renee Golland

Experienced Marketing, Communications and Product Manager with a history of working in the scientific and renewable energy industries for more than 15 years.